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Examples of DH Scholarship (curated by Alan Liu)
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Digital Humanities Examples
(Selected projects and writings chosen to provide beginners in DH with a blend of "best" and "doable" (also: technically advanced and less-advanced) aim points for their own work. The selection is biased toward the work of individuals or small teams, though some more extensive projects are included. Note: this selection is eclectic. It is not intended to be a comprehensive or proportionally accurate sample of DH across the disciplines.
Projects (click on columns to sort)
Binder, Jeff, and Collin Jennings
The Networked Corpus ("provides a new way to navigate large collections of texts. Using a statistical method called topic modeling, it creates links between passages that share common vocabularies, while also showing in detail the way in which the topic modeling program has “read” the texts. We are using the Networked Corpus to analyze earlier genres and concepts of topical knowledge from the development of commonplacing, anthologizing, and indexing in the early modern period through the nineteenth century"; provides Python script for others to use)
Brown, Vincent
Slave Revolt in Jamaica, 1760-1761 ("animated thematic map narrates the spatial history of the greatest slave insurrection in the eighteenth century British Empire") (2013)
Des Jardin, Molly
"Geoparsing 19th-Century Travel Narratives" ("This project attempts to divide text narratives by location, and to find representative or key phrases within them. The corpus consists of 19th-century British travel narratives. The methodology uses a number of heuristics, most based on syntax, to identify when the narrator has arrived or is departing a location, and to identify that location. A simple methodology uses frequent nouns and sentences which contain both a frequent noun and an adjective to choose representative phrases, here used as a kind of sentiment analysis.")
Dorsey, Olivia |
Franklin Memories: Preservation for a Lifetime (Omeka project built by an undergraduate to showcase the history of a small town in Macon County of North Carolina; "a website that takes the scanned photographs from the photo collections of many families in Franklin, NC. Feel free to click on the images above to start exploring exhibits that include the amazing photographs that I discovered this summer. The photos are organized first by collections, then by exhibits. The collections consist of every family who is included in the overall digital collection. The exhibits include time periods and other aspects of Franklin’s history that should be emphasized.") |
Egan, Jim, and Jean Bauer
Mapping Colonial Americas Publishing Project
Emory U. Libraries Digital Scholarship Commons
"Lincoln Logarithms: Finding Meaning in the Sermons" ("We explored the power and possibility of four digital tools—MALLET, Voyant, Paper Machines, and Viewshare")
Fraas, Mitch
"Expanding the Republic of Letters: India and the Circulation of Ideas in the Late Eighteenth Century" (2013)
Simon Ganahl, et al.
Campus Medius (see "About" essay: mapping project that "explores mediality as an experiential field by focusing on twenty-four hours in a metropolis. Following Mikhail Bakhtin, one might describe 'the day in the city' as a chronotope of the modernist novel—from Andrei Bely's Petersburg via James Joyce's Ulysses to Virginia Woolf's Mrs Dalloway. Our exemplary time-space on the weekend of May 13 and 14, 1933, in Vienna is marked by so-called Turks Deliverance Celebrations held by the paramilitary Home Guard and the Austrian National Socialists") |
Goodwin, Jonathan
"Topics in Theory" (2012)
Healy, Kieran
"A Co-Citation Network for Philosophy" (2013) ("I took twenty years worth of articles from four major philosophy journals and generated a network from it based on the citations contained in those articles")
Kaufman, Micki
"Everything on Paper Will Be Used Against Me:" Quantifying Kissinger ("text analysis, visualization and historical interpretation of the DNSA Kissinger correspondence") (2014) |
Pierazzo, Elena, and Julie André |
"Around a Sequence and Some Notes of Notebook 46: Encoding Issues About Proust's Drafts"
Shayne, Liz |
"Sefaria in Gephi: Seeing Links in Jewish Literature" (2014)
Wilhelm, Thomas, Manuel Burghardt, and Christian Wolff |
To See or Not to See: An Interactive Tool for the Visualization and Analysis of Shakespeare's Plays (2013) |
Essays and Books (click on columns to sort)
Cordell, Ryan
"'Taken Possession of': The Reprinting and Reauthorship of Hawthorne's 'Celestial Railroad' in the Antebellum Religious Press" (2013)
Fagg, John, Matthew Pethers, and Robin Vandome
"Introduction: Networks and the Nineteenth-Century Periodical" [PDF] (2013) [paywalled]
Finn, Ed
"Revenge of the Nerd: Junot Díaz and the Networks of American Literary Imagination" (2013) ("My methodology in pursuing these claims is to define a framework for "the literary" in contemporary American fiction by asking how books are contextualized and discussed not just among critics and scholars but also among a general readership online. Digital traces of book culture (by which I mean user reviews, ratings and the algorithmic trails that our browsing and purchasing actions leave online) allow us to make claims about relatively large groups of readers and consumers of books, creating opportunities for the ‘distant reading’ of literary fame, but without losing the specificity of individual texts and authors.")
Heuser, Ryan and and Long Le-Khac
"A Quantitative Literary History of 2,958 Nineteenth-Century British Novels: The Semantic Cohort Method" [PDF] (2012)
Jockers, Matthew L.
Macroanalysis: Digital Methods and Literary History (Champaign, IL: University of Illinois Press: 2013) Print.
Klein, Lauren F. |
"The Image of Absence: Archival Silence, Data Visualization, and James Hemings" (2013) [paywalled] |
Moretti, Franco
"Network Theory, Plot Analysis" [PDF] (2012)
Jill Walker Rettberg |
"Visualising Networks of Electronic Literature: Dissertations and the Creative Works They Cite" (2014)
- Accompanied by Gephi dataset ("This is the 'clean,' unedited Gephi file I used to visualise the connections between 44 dissertations about electronic literature and the creative works they cite. This file is perfect if you want to download it, load it into Gephi and try visualising the data yourself. I provide a tutorial here: http://jilltxt.net/?p=3730")
Rhody, Lisa M.
"Topic Modeling and Figurative Language" (2012)
Underwood, Ted, and Andrew Goldstone
"What Can Topic Models of PMLA Teach Us About the History of Literary Scholarship?" (2013) |
Underwood, Ted, and Jordan Sellers |
"The Emergence of Literary Diction" (2012) |
Digital Humanities Examples
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