Tutorials for DH Tools and Methods
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Digital Humanities Tutorials (curated by Alan Liu)
Guides to Digital Humanities | Tutorials | Tools | Examples | Data Collections & Datasets
Tutorials for DH Tools and Methods
- General or Omnibus Technical Tutorials
- The Programming Historian 2 (" tutorial-based open access textbook designed to teach humanists practical computer programming skills that are immediately useful to real reasearch needs"; includes lessons on "Getting Started with Online Sources," "Working with Files and Web Pages," "From HTML to a List of Words," "Computing Frequencies," "Wrapping Output in HTML," "Keywords in Context (KWIC)," "Downloading Multiple Records Using Query Strings," "Automated Downloading with Wget," "Getting Started with Topic Modeling and MALLET")
- DH Tools for Beginners ("collection of tutorials written for digital humanities novices")
- M. H. Beals, "Introduction to Digital Analysis Techniques: A Workbook for History Modules" (A set of curricular modules, including how-to's and assignments, for text analysis and related work using the Library of Congress’s Chronicling America on-line newspaper database. Specific topics include: "using the Chronicling America database," "geo-visualisation," "topic modeling," reprint analysis," "discourse analysis") (direct link to the modules; PDF)
- Shawn Graham, Ian Milligan, Scott Weingart, The Historian's Macroscope - working title. Under contract with Imperial College Press. Open Draft Version (Autumn 2013)
- Michelle Moravec, "Five Steps To a Successful Digital History Project" (2014)
- Lincoln Mullen, "How to Make Prudent Choices About Your Tools" (2013)
- Miriam Posner, "How Did They Make That?" (2013) ("Many students tell me that in order to get started with digital humanities, they’d like to have some idea of what they might do and what technical skills they might need in order to do it. Here’s a set of digital humanities projects that might help you to get a handle on the kinds of tools and technologies available for you to use")
- JISC Digital Media Guides ("Need help with using still images, sound and video for educational purposes? Explore our free digital media guides. They will take you through the process of finding, creating, managing, delivering and using digital media")
- Tech Tips and Tools for Historians of Science (tips and tools for historians of science that are also useful for other humanities scholars)
- UCLA Center for Digital Humanities, Intro to Digital Humanities (expansive resources based on Johanna Drucker and David Kim's DH 101 course at UCLA; includes concepts & readings, tutorials, exercises, student projects, and advanced topics)
- Audio Editing Tutorials (see Audio Tools)
- Code Versioning Systems (Git + Github) Tutorials (for project development) (see Code Versioning Tools)
- Command Line Tutorials (see Command Line Tools)
- Content Management Systems Tutorials (see Content Management Systems Tools)
- Joshua Beckman, "Naked Wordpress" (2013) ("commented WordPress theme" created to allow users to learn (and improvise on) the basic component .php files that create and style a WordPress site: index.php, header, footer, sidebar, home page, page, css, etc.)
- Benjamin Intal, "Proper WordPress Filesystem Permissions And Ownerships" (2014)
- Robert Mening, "How to Create a Blog" (tutorial for setting up a Wordpress blog)
- Curation Tutorials (and Guides to Citing Datasets)
- DH Curation Guide ("a community resource guide to data curation in the digital humanities" offering "concise, expert introductions to key topics, including annotated links to important standards, articles, projects, and other resources")
- Joan Fragaszy Troyano, Guide to Curating Scholarship from the Open Web (2014), Parts I, II, III, IV
- Alex Ball and Monica Duke, "How to Cite Datasets and Link to Publications" (2011)
- Digitization Tutorials
- Linked Data Tutorials
- Mapping Tutorials (see Mapping Tools)
- Geospatial Historian ("tutorial-based open access textbook . . . designed to teach humanists practical digital mapping and GIS skills that are immediately useful to real research needs")
- Institute for Enabling Geospatial Scholarship, Spatial Humanities
- A Literary Atlas of Europe: Mapping and Analyzing the Geography of Fiction with Interactive Tools (articles "towards a geography of fiction")
- Spatial History Project,
- History Blogger, "Tutorial on Juxtaposing Historical & Modern Images" (2014) (tutorial for overlaying historical photos or paintings of a location over the current Google Street View image of the same location)
- Noah Huffman, "Mapping the Broadsides Collection, or, How to Man Interactive Map in 30 Minutes or Less" (tutorial on creating a map with Google Fusion Tables) (2014)
- Brian Sarnacki, "The Complete n00b's Guide to Mapping in R" (2014)
- U. Redlands Center for Spatial Studies, "Flow and Movement" (2013) (explanation of some main types of spatial mappings, including point-to-point, networks, branching, and fields)
- Network Analysis Tutorials (see Network Analysis/Social Network Analysis Tools) (see also Visualization: Network Visualization Tutorials)
- Çatalhöyük Living Archive tutorial on networks (Interactive tutorial on a trimodal network graph of people, groups, and documents network based on the analysis of a Neolithic settlement)
- Marten Düring, "Social Network Analysis for Humanists Cheat Sheet" (2015)
- David K. Elson, Nicholas Dames, and Kathleen R. McKeon, "Extracting Social Networks from Literary Fiction" [PDF] (2010)
- Robert A. Hanneman and Mark Riddle, Introduction to Social Network Methods ("on-line textbook introduces many of the basics of formal approaches to the analysis of social networks")
- HistoricalNetworkResearch.org (includes bibliograpym resources)
- Shamanth Kumar, Fred Morstatter, and Huan Liu, Twitter Data Analytics ("This book takes a reader through the process of harnessing Twitter data to find answers to intriguing questions. We begin with an introduction to the process of collecting data through Twitter's APIs and proceed to discuss strategies for curating large datasets. We then guide the reader through the process of visualizing Twitter data with realworld examples")
- Elijah Meeks
- Instructional Tutorials and Resources from course on "Network Analysis and Visualization" (PDF) (2014)
- "Introduction to Network Analysis and Representation" (interactive tutorial in which explanations are accompanied by examples of network visualizations that can be selected on demand; "This interactive application is designed to provide an overview of various network analysis principles used for analysis and representation. It also provides a few examples of untraditional networks used in digital humanities scholarship. Finally, along with the various methods described interactively here are links to related scholarship.... Each network type is listed in the Models section, and can be paired with an analysis or representation method by simply clicking on a network type to load a new network, and then clicking on an analysis or visualization method")
- Katya Ognyanova, "Network visualization with R" (2016)
- Ernesto Priego, "Some Thoughts on Why You Would Like to Archive and Share [Small] Twitter Data Sets" (2014)
- Twitter Analysis Tutorials
- Programming Languages Tutorials (programming/scripting languages used to facilitate as text and data analysis, collection, preparation, etc.) (see Programming Languages Tools & Resources)
- "Basic Unix-like Command Line Tutorial" (three 9-minute video tutorials by Philip Guo) (2014)
- Python Tutorials (see Python Tools & Resources)
- "R" Tutorials (see "R" Tools & Resources)
- Jonathan Callahan, Installing 'Packages' in R (2011)
- Anthony Damico, "How to Do Stuff in R: Two Minutes or Less" (video screencasts)
- DataCamp online, interactive environment for learning R
- "Andrew," "Text Mining the Complete Works of William Shakespeare" (2013) (step-by-step example of getting texts from Project Gutenberg, cleaning it, and analyzing it in R)
- Fred Gibbs, "Document Similarity with R" (2013) ("provides a skeletal recipe for reading a set of texts (a corpus) through the statistical software R")
- Matthew L. Jockers, Text Analysis with R for Students of Literature [PDF] (2013) (downloadable draft of whole book)
- Lincoln Mullen, Digital History Methods in R
- Brian Sarnacki, "The Complete n00b's Guide to Mapping in R" (2014)
- Graham Williams, "Hands-On Data Science with R Text Mining" [PDF] (2014)
- Cheat Sheet for RStudio Data Wrangling with dplyr and tidyr
- Simulation Tutorials (see Simulation Tools)
- Text Analysis Tutorials (complemented by Text Preparation for Digital Work Tutorials below) (see Text Analysis Tools)
- General or Overview Text Analysis Tutorials
- Sue Atkins, Jeremy Clear, and Nicholas Ostler, "Corpus Design Criteria" [PDF] (1991)
- Steven Bird, Ewan Klein, and Edward Loper, Natural Language Processing: Analyzing Text with the Natural Language Toolkit (NLTK)
- Shawn Graham, "Setting up Your Own Data Refinery" (guide to setting up local installations of Voyant Tools, Overview, and RAW to create a text-analysis workflow; especially oriented toward getting such a "data refinery" set up on a Mac computer) (2014)
- M-N. Lamy and H. J. Klarskov Mortensen, "Using Concordance Programs in the Modern Foreign Languages Classroom" (2012) (includes links to concordance programs)
- Michelle Moravec,, "How to Use Stanford's NER and Extract Results" (2014)
- Peter Organisciak and Boris Capitanu (in Programming Historian), "Text Mining in Python through the HTRC Feature Reader" (2016) )("We introduce a toolkit for working with the 13.6 million volume Extracted Features Dataset from the HathiTrust Research Center. You will learn how to peer at the words and trends of any book in the collection, while developing broadly useful Python data analysis skills")
- Geoffrey Rockwell, "Introduction to Voyant" (2016)
- Norbert Ryciak, "Text mining in R – Automatic categorization of Wikipedia articles" (2014)
- Pedagogy Toolkit tutorial with tips and examples for classroom use of Voyant Tools.
- Wheaton College, "How to Read a Dendogram" (PDF)
- Related areas:
- Text Collation Tutorials (see Text Collation Tools)
- Text Encoding Tutorials (see Text Encoding Tools)
- HTML & CSS Tutorials
- TEI Text Encoding Tutorials
- Text Preparation for Digital Work Tutorials (Text & Data "Wrangling": text harvesting, scraping, cleaning, classifying) (see Text Preparation Tools)
- Amit Agarwal, "How to Scrape Google with Google Sheets" (2014)
- Fred Gibbs, "Cleaning Bad OCR with Regular Expressions and Python" (2012)
- Shawn Graham, "A Gentle Introduction to Regular Expressions" (2015)
- Kellen Kurschinski, "Applied Archival Downloading with Wget" (2013) ("learn how to systematically download material from online archives with wget & Python")
- W. Caleb McDaniel
- "Data Mining the Internet Archive Collection" (2014) ("The collections of the Internet Archive (IA) include many digitized sources of interest to historians, including early JSTOR journal content .... In this lesson, you’ll learn how to download files from such collections using a Python module specifically designed for the Internet Archive. You will also learn how to use another Python module designed for parsing MARC XML records, a widely used standard for formatting bibliographic metadata")
- "Mining the BPL Anti-Slavery Collection on the Internet Archive" (2013) (detailed guide and examples for harvesting/downloading files and metadata from a collection in the Internet Archive)
- Greg Reda, "Useful Unix Commands for Data Science" (2013)
- Stéfan Sinclair, Getting Texts (interactive iPython notebook tutorial), part of The Art of Literary Text Analysis set of tutorials)
- Regular Expressions Tutorials
- RegExr ("online tool to learn, build, and test Regular Expressions -- RegEx / RegExp. Results update in real-time as you type. Roll over a match or expression for details. Save & share expressions with others. Explore the Library for help & example")
- "Regular Expressions Cheat Sheet" (MIT)
- Regular Expressions Primer ("tutorial for those completely new to regular expressions")
- School of Data Modules on Data Cleaning and Extraction
- Zed A. Shaw, Learning Python the Hard Way, 3rd ed. (2010)
- Stackoverflow
- John Myles White, "Data Wrangling" (2013) (slides for guest lecture on bulk downloads, API access, and Web-scraping in a Columbia Univ., course on "Computational Social Science")
- Topic Modeling Tutorials (see Topic Modeling Tools)
- David M. Blei, "Topic Modeling and Digital Humanities" (2012)
- Megan R. Brett, "Topic Modeling: A Basic Introduction" (2012)
- Shawn Graham, Ian Milligan, Scott Weingart, The Historian's Macroscope - working title. Under contract with Imperial College Press. Open Draft Version (Autumn 2013):
- Matt Burton,"The Joy of Topic Modeling" (2013)
- Bugra Akyildiz, "Topic Modeling for the Uninitiated" (2015)
- Mallet Project Tutorials (on importing data, classification, sequence tagging, topic modeling, optimization) | See also Mallet tutorial on "Topic Modeling - Multiple Languages"
- Shawn Graham, "Using Goldstone’s Topic Modeling R package with JSTOR’s Data for Research" (2014)
- Peter Organisciak, Step-by-step instructions for using MALLET and R to topic model a single book (2014
- Miriam Posner, "Very basic strategies for interpreting results from the Topic Modeling Tool" (2012)
- Scott Weingart, "Topic Modeling for Humanists: A Guided Tour" (2012)
- Visualization Tutorials (see Visualization Tools)
- Data Visualization Tutorials
- General Intros to Data Viz
- D3.js Tutorials
- ImageJ Tutorials
- Palladio Tutorials
- Network Visualization Tutorials (see Network Visualization Tools)
- Statistics Visualization Tutorials
- Text Analysis Visualization Tutorials
Tutorials for DH Tools and Methods
Tip: To turn text into a link, highlight the text, then click on a page or file from the list above.
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